Construction Clients Services
Deploi helps organisations to take an active approach to Information Management, to realise the full potential it can offer.
The international standard for Information Management creates a pro-active role for the owner. They must identify what they require to support their decisions during a project and in later asset management, providing the team with digital facilities and with formal instructions.
The Information Management role to be played by a client organisation starts at inception, runs through completion and onward throughout the building's useful life. However to ready the office for working in this way, a series of preparatory steps, best taken outside of a specific project, are required. Deploi has identified the key activities we think are needed and dubbed them Stage 00.
Stage 00
Pre-Project Setting Up:
Preparing for a programme of work
Pre-project setting up is a one-off exercise we call Stage 00 and is best funded outside the project budget. Once set up, clients will find it straightfoward to apply Information Management principles to their individual projects.
Deploi has defined a 5 step process that comprehensively readies an organisation to introduce and control ISO 19650 based Information Management techniques for all projects in their programme. It will also support efforts to back-trace and classify information and records for existing buildings in the estate for general and statutory record-keeping purposes.
Deploi supports client organisations to navigate the 5 steps of Stage 00 and on live projects from Stage 0 to handover. The following list of services can be combined in different ways to help teams throughout the project lifecycle and can be adapted to projects of any size or type.
Better Information Management

Deploi has published a client guide to Information Management called ‘Taming the Tsunami’.
Learn MoreStrategy
Building owners will each have an unique need for decision support information from their supply teams, depending on the nature and style of their business and their approach to built assets. Your way of involving stakeholders and of processing projects and managing assets should define your information management strategy.
Deploi helps you to define your strategy by firstly raising your awareness of the potentials and listening to how you prefer to work on projects. Between us, a strategy can then emerge for what use to make of the tools available, any possible phasing of actions to suit capacities and any training requirements.
The International Standard, ISO 19650, sets out the actions expected of any building owner. Prior to any project application, a series of preparatory information management templates may be worth preparing, to speed the setting up of any individual project. Deploi offers a five-step service.
cc: Awareness Raising
In a two-way process, Deploi explains the ISO Standard and the client and team roles; we also seek to understand the building owner’s business and your approach to decision-making on projects and to facility and asset management. .
cc: Strategy Making
Deploi helps to set out the relevant use cases for Information Management processes, with any roadmap for progressive implementation. Training needs would be highlighted to overcome capacity constraints.
cc: Information Protocol creation
Your information management instructions to the team need to be legally attached to appointments and contracts. Deploi can help your legal advisers to draft the necessary protocol, based on a template from the UK BIM Framework, the official guidance.
cc: Pre-project template development
Deploi can create a set of customised documents, derived from the Standard, which embody the building owner’s typical information requirements, including policies, preferred methodologies and procedures. These would be applied by specific projects to speed the initial stages.
cc: Common Data Environment
Information Management depends on the shared use of an information management platform which provides a ‘single source of truth’ for the team. There are several commercial options to choose between, for any project and for portfolio management with the completed asset information. Deploi can support the selection process.
Digital Assets
Deploi develops digital assets for organisations that can benefit from accurate and repetitive digital briefing. Whether for hotel rooms, apartments, classrooms or courtrooms, this approach offers value through increased specification accuracy and a streamlined briefing process that eliminates ambiguity. By embedding the brief and the specification in a reusable digital object, maximum consistency can be maintained across the project portfolio.
cc: Digital Briefing with Standardised Library Objects
This standardisation allows a library of digital models to hold precise geometry, data and/or construction detail for regularly employed elements like hotel or student rooms, hospital rooms or service elements like stairs and cores.
Most of the tasks trquired of a client organisation to set up a project and its Information Management procedures occur at RIBA Stages 0 and 1. Deploi can support such organisations in implementing procedures established in "Stage 00" to establish the desired rules and principles on live-specific projects. We can also support clients as Information Managers under the BIM Protocol, where the lead consultant or contractor is not considered suitable.
cc: Pilot Project Support
Application of the adopted policy can involve training client staff to use tools, including the CDE, and ‘hand-holding’ through the steps of selecting the team and using the templated elements of the Standard. Pilot projects can also adopt Information Management after they have begun, skipping stages to use what is helpful from that point.
cc: Design Team Support
Selected consultants may not be familiar with working to the Standard. The lead consultant may choose to employ Deploi as a supporter for key steps. Alternatively, a client may appoint Deploi to support their lead consultant through the key steps to set up the project. Deploi can train, advise and also provide modelling resources if necessary.
cc: Contractor Selection Support
Qualifying shortlisted main contractors for their relevant experience and capability in using Information Management and supporting clients and design teams in preparing tender documentation to include information requirements meeting the Standard.
Deploi provide basic and advanced training in BIM authoring and coordination software platforms. We also provide tailored leadership training for those managing projects from a client or consultant perspective where Information Management requirements are significant.